Green Prescribing
Green Prescribing
Green prescriptions are a form of social prescribing: a way for health and social care practitioners to connect the people they are supporting with a range of non-clinical sources of support in the community. Pathways can be used to address existing health concerns; as a form of recovery from ill health or injury; or to encourage social connection.
Green Health is about maintaining a healthy lifestyle through interaction with the natural environment. Any health or social care practitioner who has direct contact with those they support has the opportunity to make a Green Prescription. This includes GPs, physiotherapists, community pharmacists, community mental health practitioners, support workers, midwives, nurses and many more.
We offer a range of green prescribing solutions to suit all ages and needs. Including:
- Nature based volunteering
- Green gym
- A wide range of wellbeing courses

Case study
Case study
Mike was referred to us by a Wellbeing Coordinator at a local Dr's surgery. After leaving long term employment due to poor mental health Mike was very low and felt that he had suddenly lost his sense of identity. Suffering from anxiety and depression he felt isolated and fearful, uncertain of what the future may hold.
Almost 2 years on Mike is still with us as Volunteer Site Manager, he is responsible for growing all of our food and teaching many new skills to our young people. He is now a qualified teacher and has qualifications in Safeguarding, Garden Design and River Safety. Mike has helped us to grow as an organisation and really enjoys learning and socialising at the garden. He also runs his own community group with our support. Green Valley Wellbeing has helped a number of people to improve wellbeing and develop skills.